CLOSE TO ‘DOOMSDAY’ Lawrence Krauss, director of the Arizona State University New Origins Initiative, helps unveil the ‘Doomsday Clock’ after the announcement that the historic clock would remain at 3 minutes to midnight, in Washington, DC, USA, January 26, 2016. Michael Reynolds/EPA
The clock serves as a metaphor for how close humanity is to destroying the planet, and was most recently moved closer to midnight in 2015
WASHINGTON DC, USA (Jan. 27, 2016) — Nuclear threats and climate change pose strong threats to the planet and a symbolic “doomsday” clock will stay at three minutes to midnight, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists said Tuesday, January 26.
The City of Flint Water Plant is illuminated by moonlight on January 23, 2016 in Flint, Michigan. Brett Carlsen/Getty Images/AFP
Elevated lead levels were detected months ago in Sebring, Ohio, but local officials failed to warn residents until last week
CHICAGO, USA (Jan. 26, 2016) — A lead poisoning scandal has struck a second US town, with schools closed Monday, January 25, in Sebring, Ohio, and the water treatment plant operator accused of falsifying reports.
BREAK TIME. Joel Clement, 50, left, and Brad Farster, 35, right, both U.S. government employees, take a break in front of the U.S. Capitol building after a day of cross country skiing on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. USA, January 25, 2016. Allison Shelley/EPA
For many the thrill of a weekend spent playing in the snow, or in warm homes watching a stunning display of nature’s power, gave way to the realization that, in Washington DC at least, the cleanup will be long and messy
WASHINGTON DC, USA (Jan. 26, 2016) — The US capital struggled to plow and shovel its way back to life Monday, January 25, after a blizzard smothered the East Coast, with mountains of snow lining streets, and schools and the federal government shut down.
FROZEN. Ice forms on the roof of a bus stop on the slopes of Tai Mo Shan, Hong Kong’s highest peak in the New Territories, in Hong Kong, China, January 24, 2016. Jerome Favre/EPA
While the cold snap is by no means on the scale of the weather now affecting the snow-bound eastern United States, such temperatures are a novelty for many residents of the region
HONG KONG (Jan. 25, 2016) — Snow, sleet and icy winds across Asia caused deaths, flight cancellations and chaos over the weekend as areas used to basking in balmier climates struggled with record-low temperatures.