Not only was 2015 the warmest worldwide since 1880, it shattered the previous record held in 2014 by the widest margin ever observed
MIAMI, USA (Jan. 21, 2016) — Blistering heat blanketed the Earth last year like never before, making 2015 by far the hottest year in modern times and raising new concerns about the accelerating pace of climate change.
January 18, 2016 — Last summer, Carbon Brief delved into the canon of published climate papers to discover which were the most influential, most cited and most covered by the media.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations in the atmosphere could override other influences to make this the longest inter-ice age period in Earth history
PARIS, France — Human-driven climate change may have put the next ice age off by about 50,000 years, said scientists Thursday, January 14, highlighting our species’ ever-more dominant influence on Earth’s natural cycles.
January 10, 2016 — With a ratcheting up of awareness culminating in the Paris climate change conference, 2015 may have been the year that the threat of climate change was finally taken seriously. Continue reading The ethics of climate change→
December 29, 2015 — We’re coming to the end of arguably the most influential year ever when it comes to climate change. The agreements struck at the Paris climate talks gave the world hope that nations could finally get their acts together to cut carbon emissions and with them, the risks climate change poses.